Midwife & sleep consultant

Melanie Heift

I'm 43, mom to three wonderful messes and I've been a midwife for over 20 years. I was allowed to accompany more than 1400 children into this world. I'm also the grandmother of a super cute magic doll and totally in love with my husband and our patchwork family! I'm pretty chaotic (but very likeable). I'm a real farm girl and used to ride a tractor to school! Why is baby sleep my favorite topic? Because I know exactly how much it sucks when this terrible lack of sleep ruins your whole life - I had that too 17 years ago. I know what it feels like when you're completely exhausted, dread every night and have no energy left for the next day because you simply can't go on.

I am a baby sleep coach because after 20 years of experience as a midwife and with my expertise as a systemic coach, I know exactly how to change the situation and I love to see how parents find their joy of life again and how a relaxed family life is finally possible!

I explain technical terms such as sleep regression, sleep association, sleep cycle, etc. So you will become a sleep expert yourself and you will get the “right” knowledge. This will help you understand your problem and the connections.

In my individual 1:1 coaching sessions, I work with parents on the following topics:

  • Traumatic experiences from pregnancy/birth/weeklong bed
  • Day structure/waking phases
  • Sleeping habits/sleeping support
  • Mommy mindset Sleep hygiene & environment
  • Falling asleep with dad/grandma/caregivers
  • Individual plan for change
  • Your individual questions

and I am available for you via whats app for intermediate questions!

Your child is unique and so is their sleep! And relaxed nights are the gamechanger for a relaxed family life for all of you! Would you like to become a baby sleep coach yourself and do a job that is compatible with your family? A job that fulfills you, is fun and in which you are completely flexible?

Then join my baby sleep coach training! 3 months of intensive training, after which you'll be ready to go! Follow me on insta: Melanie Heift

to my website